
Color: black, white, gray
Theme: relativity of lie and truth

The face of absolute truth is a calm oval with a barely perceptible ironical smile. The face of an absolute lie is the twisted physiognomy of a monster with saliva flowing from its mouth. The only pity is that the probability of meeting these faces in the real world is small, while their offsprings can be found everywhere.
In the boundless ocean of words, sounds and images, there is only one reliable filter that you can trust to filter credibility of information – your own brain. With the underdevelopment of the thinking organ, there is no barrier in the way of the black, foul-smelling slurry of lies, penetrating into all accessible cavities of the brainpan. But who said that this liquid cannot be diluted with a white believable substance by changing the hue on the grayscale?


Nasty or good?
Black hole or bright Sun?
Or black Sun?
You lie
A part of you dies
But it’s perfect way
to have power

Rend the dark
Open gate
Dusk gathers
Seal the fates
Provoke the straits

From wrong to right
From black to white
and semi-truth / semi-lie
when they unite
Get discrepant prize:
Black truth / white lies?
No one escapes from this jail –

Real truth
Do not take this path
When you don’t want to be alone
A game
The trick is the same:
Let people hear
What they want

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