We have a Message
We don’t open our mouth without a good reason. However, if we’ve opened it, then only to tell to you about something we're really worrying about. In our songs you will not find a word about "babies", parties, dismemberment and other trite themes of rock songs. The lyrics of Mixte deal with global themes of a thinking man and are sang mainly in English by a voice with the East European accent.
Unique artwork
The graphics of Mixte go side by side with the music, forming an unique symbiosis, complementing each other. The graphic style is developed specifically for the content of the Mixte songs. The mysterious creatures that you see are called Mixteriums.
If music then various music. There is nothing more boring than listening to a band that has similar songs. Mixte's goal is to create interesting songs that delight the listener with a variety of their colors.
Free distribution
All songs of Mixte are available for free to listen. However, if you are interested in the earliest possible release of new songs, you can also provide financial support to the project through donating or purchasing goods from the Mixte online store (coming soon).
Audible bass-guitar
Bass is a wonderful musical instrument. Unlike many rock and metal bands, the bass by Mixte songs is audible and has equal rights with the guitar. Often you will hear a bass guitar solo and soulful melodies.
Mixte has no purpose to record an album and fill it with a multitude of songs of varying degrees of scall. Individual songs will be presented to listeners immediately after they are ready. After the amount of new songs passes reached 14 or more pieces, the songs will be combined into an album and will be available for purchase on physical media with a chic booklet and handwritten lyrics. Before the release of a new song comes a short teaser, which explains the main idea of the song. Video with the new song will be released after some time.
Often music suffers from the fact that during its creation it is necessary to make various compromises due to the different musical preferences of its members. The Mixte music creation model excludes the influence of such factors on the final result. The music of Mixte is also independent of the influence of the mainstream music, producers and labels.